We wish to advise all bowlers in Northland that a number of opportunities to become involved with centre administration and other activities will become available next season. Now is a good time to consider your involvement and if you have something positive to contribute. A small time commitment is require for all voluntary roles and with more people involved our centre can run more effectively and efficiently. Next season we need to appoint
Some new board members. This is essentially a governance role which approves or rejects the recommendations from the various committees. All board members will be on a committee or two. These include, finance, operations, high performance, fundraising, disciplinary, constitutional review, health and safety, and maybe even sponsorship.
Outside the board people are needed to fill roles in the various committees as above.
We need Coaches. Especially men
Managers. Currently far too many roles are covered by the same people.
We would like to have formal liaison people for improved communications with The umpires association, The greenkeepers association, and maybe even club secretaries. If you would like to request a position description of any of the roles make contact with Jacqui at the centre office. I am happy to discuss these opportunities personally so feel free to contact me. Dusty